Tuesday 27 January 2009

情感系列之 - 华人新年






Wednesday 21 January 2009



Sunday 4 January 2009

my new appearance

happy new year! 2009 is arriving. i feel like it comes/arrives too fast and unconsciously. in fact, i am here (Newcastle, UK) for more than 3 months already. time passed very fast without been aware.

what the hell i am going to tell about my appearance? new some more? i am a very ordinary guy, nothing special, not handsome, a bit ugly and fat! most of my friend know how i look like, just like the characteristics that i mentioned. but... i decided that since i come to UK and not much people really know me very deeply, i will change my appearance completely (i think is completely).

for your information, i never cut my hair since 14/9/2008 (2 days before my departure from M'sia). so, i know my math is not that good, but after counting and calculating, there is more than 3 months i didn't go to barber shop to maintain my 'bird nest'. erm... i admit that my hair is quite long (i never kept my hair uncut for more than 3 weeks), but after i look at the mirror, it is actually not that long. i just able to make a small tie (trust me, very small and short 1). i don't have 'ribbon', so i never tie it when i go out. long hair, a new experience for me.

besides, ... most of my friend know that i like beard very much. when i was in secondary school, one of my hobby is to play people's beard (weired right?), although sometime some people do not have it, i will still touch their chin (some1's chin a bit 'rough', thats make me feel better. by the way, do not think that i am psycho! i am absolutely fine, i just like beard). after become 'older and older', i have my own beard. haha! but need to be shaved everytime when it became long
(school rules and parents rules). about 2 monts ago (november), i stopped shaving my beard, as well as moustache. i want o keep it long until like goatee. haha! after 2 months, it really grows longer and longer. haha! the only problem is that it will grow untidily and i need to find a way to trim them like people trimming the hedge. thats a bit annoying, but still acceptable.

haha! thats new px, quite different. any1 able to imagine how i look like now? is very close to vagrant. haha! but i comb/wash my hair everyday and 'trim' my beard also. thats the difference. haha! i look 'mature' (ok! fine! OLD) enough without all those, now... more mature loh! holding more great charm of a MAN. haha! my mum don't like them. she asked me to shave my beard and cut my hair because she said girls will afraid when they see me and cannot get girlfriend. haiz... before my new appearance, i also din't have any girlfriend ok? girls also rejected me for many many times. so, i pretty sure that her point is not correct. Jay Chou said we must listen to our mum (听妈妈的话), but this time i support lee hom because he encourage us to change ourself (改变自己). hahaha! if my volition strong enough, i will maintain this image until... i don't know, maybe until the moment when there is a girl who ask me to destroy such appearance. haha! i don't think this will happen, thus... (^o^)

Thursday 1 January 2009




